We work diligently to eliminate all kinds of fraud, bribery, corruption, and all forms of financial crime, while advocating human rights. We believe that all employees have the right to be treated fairly and consistently, while working in an environment free from discrimination and harassment.
Code of Conduct Policy
Across Aamal we have implemented and abide by our Code of Conduct Policy, to ensure that we are able to act in an ethical manner, should any potential breaches of our standards occur. We have zero tolerance for bribery and corruption-related matters. Our anti-corruption policy includes clear anti-corruption rules and guidelines that are strongly reinforced through awareness raising and training programs for key managers and staff.
We maintain a zero-tolerance stance against harassment, enforced through a comprehensive Anti-Discrimination Policy. This policy prohibits discrimination and harassment, offering clear guidelines for prevention and control. We actively encourage reporting of non-compliance through formal channels, such as our whistleblowing page: https://www.aamal.com.qa/en/whistle-blowing-form.
Concerns are dealt with promptly and confidentially. Employees found discriminating or harassing others may face disciplinary action, including dismissal. Reports and investigations of alleged incidents will be conducted while respecting the rights of all parties involved. Our grievance procedure provides a formal channel for communication between management and employees and is accessible to all.
Human Rights
Respecting human rights helps us better serve our customers, attend to our communities, and value our employees. Aamal abides by the Qatari Labor Law which is aligned with the International Labor Organization’s Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work and the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
We follow a zero-tolerance policy with regards to abuse of human rights within our company and within our value chain. We reserve the right to terminate business with suppliers that breach these policies as well as suppliers that fail to take corrective action. Any employee that participates, becomes aware of, or fails to report any of the activities listed will be subject to stringent disciplinary action, including dismissal. Across Aamal, we have an Employee Reporting Hotline as well as a dedicated anonymous email correspondence scheme for reporting any activities that go against our standard operating procedures and policies. As part of our employee orientation information sessions, every new employee receives training on human rights, employee rights, and other related company policies.
During 2022, there were no significant risks relating to corruption or bribery identified in the supply chain, and no performance or employee grievances were filed.

Leading by example
Our Board of Directors independently oversees the activities of Aamal with the objective of sustainable creation of value, considering the interests of the shareholders, its employees, and other stakeholders.